Sunday, February 26, 2006

Offer dating or parenting advice

This advice is applicable to both I think. Learn to know what your date/kid likes and behave accordingly. People don't always speak their heart, especially when they know you might not like it (if they care about you, that is).
I got this from when I took my niece to the zoo the last time. Usually we go with my mother, her mother, and her brothers, but this time everybody else was busy; it was just her and me. Her favourites were merekats, monkeys, and reptiles. After we were done with the first two; I asked if she wanted to go home now and she said yes! She'd learned to know what I didn't like! But being a good aunty that I am, I said, why don't we go see the reptiles first?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for your blog! It is great you are helping parents like me to grow by your thoughts and idea?s. Your post popped up in the search engines during my search on the lastest info on child behavior problems. It took my attention, and although not exactly what I was looking for, I am glad I read it! Just thought I would stop and say thanks. Have a good day.