Sunday, March 05, 2006

concluding remarks

Thought I'd write a conclusion for the test. It wasn't fun being told what to write about. But having completed this suggested an ability to follow instructions, did it not? As you must have heard many times, before breaking the rules you need to know them well.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Share twenty things others should know about you

There is no such thing, but if you must. 
1. My name is Jiranthara, which means a land that lasts forever. 
2. I was born (eight weeks early) and raised in Thailand. 
3. My mom can calm you down whatever problem you have. 
4. My dad has a great sense of humour. 
5. I have only one younger sister, who is married with three children. 
6. She is taking good care of everyone in the family when I am away. 
7. My niece is gorgeous. 
8. My nephews are cute. 
9. If one can have more than one best friend, mine are Pom and Noy. 
10. We share our moments of madness and manage to keep each other sane. 
11. I've had three full-time jobs as a writer/translator, an international banking officer, and a lecturer. 
12. I started my PhD in January 2003. 
13. When I finish it, I'm going to teach again. 
14. I'm not doing a PhD for promotion at work; I just wanted to be away from work for a while, i.e. to be doing a different kind of work (to make it not sound as bad). 
15. I hope to submit my thesis in April (fingers crossed). 
16. A fortune teller, no two fortune tellers, told me I am getting married when I finish my PhD (with whom?) 
17. I think I've been learning a lot about myself over these past three years away from home (even more than about linguistics or time conceptualsation). 
18. I am spiritual but impatient. 
19. I care about other people, but not about what they think of me. 
20. I start knowing people, thinking they are good (some people prove me wrong, but they can't change me).

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Share a mouth-watering recipe

The latest unusual dish I made. It was quite some time ago.
What to have
Pig's leg
Coconut sugar
Dark soy sauce
Sweet dark soy sauce
Coriander's roots
Cinnamon, star aniseed and Chinese five spices
What to do
1. Deep fry the pig's leg until brown. Put it aside.
2. Fry salt, coconut sugar, dark soy sauce, and sweet dark soy sauce. Put the mixture in a pot with the pig's leg and some water.
3. Put garlic, coriander's roots, and spices, and simmer for 1-2 hours.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Highlight your favorite clothing stores

I usually go to Next, Dorothy Perkins, and New Look, in this order. Nothing much to 'highlight' them; I like their stuff just because they are relatively inexpensive. Sometimes I get things from Marks and Spencer and Gap, but they are not my favourite as the former's size 8 can still be too big and the latter's styles tend to be too teenagy.